Suzuki Hayabusa Motors Info
Suzuki Hayabusa Motors

Suzuki Hayabusa Motors
Suzuki Hayabusa Motors

Suzuki Hayabusa Motors
Suzuki Hayabusa Motors
Suzuki Hayabusa Motors
Having made a success for 10 years, finally the man behind the Suzuki Hayabusa spoke design. It turned out that this bike was originally created as a motor that strange!
After a period of success as a motor sport that is taken into account in the world, Koji Yoshiura as the presence behind the Suzuki Hayabusa spoke.
As quoted from Motorcyclenews, Monday (4/1/2010), Yoshiura tells how the Hayabusa engine development process since 1999 to create a motor that is able lauched up to 320 km / hour.
"His mission was to create a new style is completely different and does not expire in the next few years, and the face is what will be the hallmark of Suzuki," said Yoshiura.
He said, initially 1300 cc Hayabusa is not created, but the 900 cc - 1100 cc, which is currently the largest market is the emergence of motor sport.
"By combining the speed, safety, strength, good handling, and unique style, it became the fastest motorcycle ever produced," he said.
He also admitted, as it had in mind just how to create a rather strange design in order to provide a very powerful effect on everyone's mind.
"People might think this an odd design, but then would be interested because the design is odd, then after that the design is actually embedded in their minds," he said.
Meanwhile, While claiming not as the main pedestal, but Suzuki has always brought new models for big motor (MOGE) them.
"Each year we present new models definitely," said 2W-Promotion and Marketing Development Suzuki Dealers Edi Darmawan when met at Wisma Indomobil, Jakarta.
The presence of MOGE-moge Suzuki imported intact from Japan, he said, based on customer orders motorcycle manufacturers logo "S" is.
"It all depends on ordering, if one wants a new type yes we bring," he said.
During this time, Suzuki has supplied several moge recorded imports like Hayabuza, GSX-600, B-King, and GSR600. But, said Edi, motors are not a volume maker of Suzuki in Indonesia.
"The number of sales is too small, we bring to the hobby," he explained.
Previously, the event held a contest guts Besides using automatic scooter motorcycle (scooter) Suzuki Skydrive Dynamatic, the event will Geber 2009 Suzuki motorcycle accessories there are also discounts and free servicing Suzuki motorcycles.
Event of war discount motorcycle accessories and free services of this plan would be held at Geber Suzuki Grand Final 2009 at the West Parking Indor Tennis Senayan, Jakarta.
"Later, Geber 2009 Suzuki top event will be held two days, and every day visitors will be served Bazzar accessories, parts and service for free," said Marketing Manager of Suzuki 2W Edy Darmawan interrupted a press conference at Wisma Indomobil Suzuki Geber, Jakarta.
In detail he explained, on the first day of the event peak Geber Suzuki 2009, there will be various competitions. Among the bands competition, competition motor modifications, as well as a decorated helmet design competition using the airbrush.
Next Day Geber second is the peak event of the 2009 Suzuki who is the best proving ground of the 120 participants who pass the selection to get the best title in the event the guts suzuki race bike.
Selected as the winner of course entitled to the prize trip to the Bangkok Motor Show alongside the Suzuki crew