Cars Movie 2
Cars 2 is a 2011 American computer-animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and it is the sequel to the 2006 film, Cars. In the film, race car Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) and tow truck Mater (voiced by Larry the Cable Guy) head to Japan and Europe to compete in the World Grand Prix, but Mater becomes sidetracked with international espionage. The film is directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Brad Lewis, written by Ben Queen, and produced by Denise Ream. Cars 2 is also the first film John Lasseter has directed since the original Cars in 2006.
The film was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and was released in the United States on June 24, 2011 and will be released in the United Kingdom on July 22, 2011. The film was presented in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D, as well as traditional two-dimensional and IMAX formats. The film was first announced in 2008, alongside Up, Newt, and Brave (previously known as The Bear and the Bow), and it is the 12th animated film from the studio.[10][11] The film opened to mixed/average reviews from critics, and is Pixar's worst reviewed feature film to date.